The International Consortium of Developmental Science Societies (ICDSS) is a “world” umbrella organization of developmental science societies.

In July 2020 representatives of member societies elected the following members of the ICDSS council to serve on the Executive Council of ICDSS are:

President: Frosso Motti-Stefanidi
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, SRCD
President-Elect: Velma McBride Murry
Vanderbilt University, USA, SRA
Secretary: Josafá Cunha
Federal University of Parana, Parana, Brazil, ISSBD
Treasurer: Susan Branje
Utrecht University, Netherlands, EARA

Council members representing member societies are (in alphabetical order)

Toni Antonucci
University of Michigan, USA, SSHD
Susan Branje
Utrecht University, Netherlands, EARA
Paul Harris
Harvard University, USA, CDS
Annette Henderson
University of Auckland, New Zealand, AHDA
Nancy Hill
Harvard University, USA, SRCD
Ersilia Menesini
University of Florence, Italy, EADP
Larry Nelson
Brigham Young University, USA, SSEA
Koraly Perez-Edgar
Pennsylvania State University, USA, ICIS
Ingrid Schoon
University of London, UK, SLLS
Laura Taylor
University College Dublin, Ireland, SRA
Marcel van Aken
Utrecht University, Netherlands, ISSBD
David Witherington
University of New Mexico, USA, JPS